Marion Gruber

Marion Gruber AT
Stadtelefant, Bloch-Bauer-Promenade 23/6 | 1100 Wien

Marion Gruber was born in Linz [A] in 1977 and studied architecture at the Vienna University of Technology, where she also worked as a student assistant at the Institute for Building Theory. For her diploma she received the Art Hall Award at Archdiploma in 2007. During and after her studies, she worked in various architectural offices, including Mecanoo Architects [NL]. In 2012, together with partner Christoph Leitner, she founded the architecture firm PLOV Architekten ZT GmbH in Vienna. From 2012-2016 she was spokesperson for IG-Architektur Wien, where she co-initiated, among other things, the mentoring program for young female architects on their way to self-employment. Since 2018, she has been involved in the competition committee of the ZiviltechnikerInnenkammer and has been an active member of the SektionsarchitektInnen.

At the beginning of 2019, she moved into their self-designed new office in the "Stadtelefant" in Vienna's Sonnwendviertel. The office building, which was jointly developed, financed and constructed with professional colleagues (Franz&Sue, solid architecture, Hoyer Brandschutz GmbH, ANull Bausoftware GmbH) as an Errichter-GmbH, received the coveted Bauherrenpreis 2019.
