Who can register?
Every woman with a professional connection to architecture, engineering and Baukultur.
What is the National Number?
The National Number is your member number of your professional organisation. If you have an Austrian Ziviltechniker:innen-Befugnis, you have received the number from your Länderkammer.
Who can submit for an award?
Women with an Austrian authorization as an architect (categories 1 and 2) or chartered engineering consultant (category 3) or a foreign authorization as an architect (category 4).
Is there any cost to enter?
How can I submit for an award?
If you would like to submit in one of the four award categories, you must first upload projects in your profile with which you would like to participate. Once you have uploaded a project, you can submit it to a category by clicking on the red icon to the right of your project. Depending on your year of birth and country of origin, the categories in which you can submit will be suggested. Click on "Save" to submit this project in the chosen category.
Does my project need to be completed to be submitted?
Yes. Only in category II (Emerging female architect of the year) two of the three projects can be in planning.
Can I alter my material once I submitted?
The status at the time of submission will be used for the evaluation. Any changes you make to the project afterwards will be saved in the anotHERVIEWture WOMEN Community, but will not serve the jury as a basis for evaluation.
What happens with my data, when I have not won?
Your material will stay in our public archive, unless you delete it.
Can I take part more than once?
Yes, unless you win. If you win an award you cannot take part again. You will be asked to be a member of the jury in the following year.
If your question is not answered please contact us: office@arching.at