Ingrid Taillandier

Part of the urban renewal of the Boulevard Ney and the Porte de Clignancourt, this new building is split into two volumes joined by a common base, which houses a nursery. In this volume, the housing development at 88 boulevard Ney is presented as an answer to the insufficient density of 1960s housing projects. It deals as much with the challenges of density as those of urban and human repair. The densification of an existing plot dating from the 1960s made it possible to align the building with the boulevard and thus to better maintain and enliven it. Respectful of the modernist architecture of the existing towers, the positioning of the two mid-rises of 6 and 9 floors facing each other, and their staggered, successive set-backs, successfully opened up views for both of the existing towers as well as for the new dwellings and ensures sunshine for the courtyard of the nursery. The interplay of sliding effects, the floors are treated as strata that refine the volumes. The right-angle corners of the existing towers are in opposition to this building’ rounded corners, which present a set of materials enhancing transparency and light. Two sets of geometric brick assemblages sketch a delicate pattern that enlivens the façades while their corners and guardrails on terraces and loggias are composed of an aerial assemblage of brick openwork. The building’s solid brick dialogs with the history of the older, affordable HBMs, while its white color and the interplay of moldings are expressed in a very contemporary language.

Planning partners: ITAR Architectures/Sibat/Gamba

Client: CDC Habitat

Category: Housing, New Construction

Project Gallery

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ITAR_NEY_┬®11h45_HD-56-2.jpg, © ©11h45, Photographer: 11h45
NEY_axonométrie©ITAR.jpg, © ©ITAR, Photographer: ITAR

Ingrid Taillandier, © ©Gaela_Blandy, Photographer: Gaëla Blandy

Ingrid Taillandier FR
66, rue de Turenne | 75003 PARIS